so who won? Virus's is the first, client's is the second

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  • I'm gonna give this one to virus mostly because of his style and mixing. Client had a good drop but I think there are just a few elements that come out of the mix like the horn. I really hate it when I critique people cuz sometimes idk even know what I'm saying and dubstep isn't my strong suit.

    In conclusion Virus Machine comes out on top in my opinion

  • who wanna fite me

    • ok, but if we're starting today, I'll have to start mine on a chromebook

    • i have to finish schoolwork it should take me another hour to get back on to my computer

    • good idea

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  • oo hard choice. Virus Machine's basses have nice tones, but noisy highs. Client's have grittyness, but not much highs. Virus Machine's has better leveling. Client has that nice neuro bass.

    I think Virus Machine wins this one. Client is a tough opponent.

  • I prefer the first one

  • battle of the basses reboot? we should make a new page for bass battles and each person bounces 30secs of their clip

    or maybe thats not enough?

  • the second is the best

    hands down

    client won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • this is really hard to choose tbh

  • ok... ok... ok... first of ALLL TF HOW TF DO YOU RUN THIS and i like the first alot, i mean alot tho im

    not getting a feel like the 2nd, tbh the 2nd the had more feel, but the first sound design sounds alot better to me, and in general sounds good to me, but the generic beat (if im the one to talk). i'd still say the first

  • Tough lol

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  • tough call on this one

    i call draw lmao

    tbh i wanna do a vs with vaulty but sacrificial made me think twice

  • this is so sexy

  • gave me a bit of euphoria

    • no srsly

      now i have even more euphoria because it is still going!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Shoulda had a 3rd drop that combined the basses

    • we forgot about the draft

  • Now anwe vs anwe

  • Virus > Client, just in this one... cuz uh... I listen to shit like Monxx and Tynan. lmao

    • lol that was to be expected

    • I often listen to really weird riddim, that's why I like Virus better concerning this. My guess is that most are gonna side with Client cuz he stuck with some more traditional dubstep. lmao

    • that is another true fact

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