I'll remember that day for the rest of my life. The loud speaker anounced a trama which is normal for me. What wasn't normal was the patient. He was clearly passing and yet he was smiling and his head was moving to non-existent rhythyms. I'll never forget it when he took my hand into his and said, "Don't let the beat die on Audiotool". Then he was gone. That moment touched my soul and so I've left the hospital and dedicated my life to living his dream. (I changed the name a little so that I won't scare people)


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  • I don't know how you do it man, but you're freaken amazing... with all your tracks!!!

  • I had to come back and listen to my old stuff. I'm hoping to find inspiration once again,

  • I think that this one is probably the best track I've ever made. It's not fashionable but it's cool in my opinion.

  • Thanks guys. Getting that beat was very difficuly actually. The rest of the trac was easy. That beat though, making of times fit is a real challenge but it was worth it. I'm most proud of this beat and the one from the robot sex song because they're not what you usually hear.I have some that are more mainstream than these 2 but I prefer these 2.

  • nice love the strange ritme in the kick . snare or so hehe , great track audio M.D

  • good work

  • silence

  • Thank you danielgruba

  • Like your style! Cool Stuff!

  • Thank you Nexus and Robert. I appreciate it a lot.

  • that was unbelievable bro. friggin awesome

  • damn, that's some nice stuff bro...definitely follow :D

  • Thanks Rika!!!

  • Yeh m8 N1! :)

  • #12 for the week isn't bad considering that some of the most popular artists ever on audiotool are sitting in the top 10.