I originally made this in class for a project months ago, but I never published it. This started out as a simple draft to develop my Glitch-Hop skills, but eventually turned into a full song. It's been almost a year since my last remix contest, so I thought I'd let you guys have fun with it. :D



1. Rebirth ([YOUR NAME] Remix)

2. Maximum of Two Remixes

3. Be Original/Creative (No Copying)

4. Collabs Are Allowed

5. Outside DAW's Are Allowed (FL, Ableton, Logic)

6. Have FUN! ^-^



*1st Place- (Follow From Main/Side Accounts, All Tracks Faved, Promotion On Multiple Social Networks, Optional Collab w/ Main Account For The "STAY WITH YOU" Album, Bragging Rights)

*2nd Place- (Follow From Main/Side Accounts, Most Tracks Faved, Bragging Rights)

*3rd Place- (Follow From Side Account, Some Tracks Faved, Bragging Rights)

[Honorable Mentions will be included]


Deadline: MARCH 14TH, 2015

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  • I liked making the melody in this quite a bit. Seems underrated af in hindsight. :P

  • sorry cannot because cannot find right notes

  • fine i will compete

  • Republished

    Edited Prizes/Changed the Deadline

  • Joining probably :P

  • I have made better glitch hop tracks before using then Rasselbock, but that method is somewhat tedious and unreliable. The goal of the project was just to use the basic elements of the app to make a short song. However, since I was the only one in the class with the most experience using AT, I went beyond the requirements and made it a full song. I just didn't publish this earlier because my teacher told me not to.

  • Republished

    Edited Ending :P