oh god why am i doing this again?

please tell me if i am breaking any rules. ;)

changes i made:

-- extended it 4 more bars.

-- changed the wobble to more of a reese sound.

-- lowpassed that in.

-- added a sub.

-- eqed some stuff.

-- changed the kick (original was 909 if anybody wants it back)

is that too much? it only says add 4 bars, but never said you couldnt change stuff...i TRIED not to mess anything up, sorry Daymo if i messed up your wobble, its just i wanted to make it sound a bit...yknow... ;)

and if everything is ok THEN DONT DELETE MY STUFF LIKE IT DID LAST TIME!!!! >:(

OH VERY IMPORTANT: please dont mess with the compressor on the master output. i have the volume balanced perfectly so the only thing clipping if the limiter is off is the kick, and that kick is premastered so its sort of hard to re-eq like someone did earlier.

again sorry if im adding too much, i just wanted to edit a few things.

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