Tbh I dont Know what the Fuck i was thinkin when i made this track. I originally set out to make an Uber Electro Bass and Some NEW Synth sounds with the pulv for leads and ended up writing a track :) What inspired me to Try and make a new type of bass Was when i was listening to Bass overload by i think Trill pix and Saw how badd ass the BAss can be.. I think i nailed it. It took me some tinkering but its my best bass sound yet. i am very proude of the bass i made in this ( pats self on back)

When i played this track back in its entirety i was able to remodel a house for the big party , REbuild a Sail boat for the big race, Workout and get in the best shape ever for the big fight,

Point Being it totally reminded me of montage music from the 80's but with new style synth souNDS ;0 and No retarted Singer. or LAst boss time in a Kicj ass Video game :) would love to see a total 8 bit remix of thiss 8 bit all the way not partial 8 bit

Track creation: I did as much of THis in audio tool as Possible .. i only use a couple things from ableton but all the major parts were done with audio tool syths. I had to write stuff on my template synths and import them because i cant put more then 4 synths on the table at a time .. Hence all the green loop blocks But i kept the major stuff intact and you vcan open it and use anyTHING you want :) i hope you enjoy this track enjoy guys

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  • very weird, but ok and loving the picture

  • Azz!!...avevo perso questa!!! Grande lavoro.... :)

  • very nice job !!! sounds great !

  • love the high bleepy synth at 1.21 . good job with the bass, although only my headphones can take it (lol). Great job though, loved what u could get out of a pulv :)

  • sick track dude !

  • Dude, your songs are awesome. Not my style, but still pretty awesome

  • wow truley amazing great job

  • !!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D !!!

  • good track :)

  • It's a modern genre. My take on it is to go new wave/synthpop style with it since I'm not good at video game music (at least my standard of retro video game music :P)

  • love the vid that's some real old school

  • About time I checked on your stuff again. Sorry I have been negligent. Just too much going on and have been dedicating myself to listen to other non-audiotool stuff for inspiration

  • Love that kind of guitar at 5:04 !!!