A while ago i saw either on FB or or AT, that Trent (Many of you will know him as Amusia) posted something about the word Sonder. Its not technically a word, but i clicked on the link he posted and read it.

I urge you to do the same, just go ahead and type it in your search bar.

Then next time you're in public and have a few minutes, sit down, watch the world and listen to this.

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  • bump.

  • Cheers guys!

    Dark vibe huh?

  • sweet laidback, dark vibe. really like it :)

  • Awh thankyou guys, didn't see ask those lovely comments :)!

  • Sounds sweet, good job :D

  • Very Ko0l OO, love the intro and all the flavor hehe

  • Ooohh now i can listen on my laptop. That 'high' synth is actually just a sample by UniverseComic.

    I could try and lowpass it a little more or something?

    Its just what i could find in the Saxs didnt fit as well. I could try and layer a sax with the piano? idk

  • great track OO! lovely feel to it. I think that that high synth would be better as a sax a swll though.

  • Nice :D

  • Well its funny you should mention something about saxophones. Before I settled on that keyboard thing I tried out about 4 different saxs haha. It just sounded too happy I guess, weird as that sounds :')

  • Great stereo work here

  • I like that high keyboard-like synth but think a sax would be better fitting

  • Cheers Andy!

  • Nice jazzy feel