Hi! <3

Here is the sixth song "Special Somepony" for the album "Last Memory" This song makes me happy and makes me want to bounce around you know? It consists of Synths, chords, echoes and, a simple drum beat. Please enjoy!

Comment bellow what you think

Fav. if you enjoyed the song

Wub on!

Chapter Six:

After leaving the bar, Vinyl woke up on a couch in someponys random house, to the smell of pancakes. She then was introduced to a mare named Octavia Melody. Octavia explained to Vinyl that, she was really drunk at the bar, that Octavia didn't want somepony to be kicked out of the bar and can't make it home, so she led a hoof and carried Vinyl to her house. Now Vinyl joked around that it was a "Romantic" move. After all that, she was back at her home. Days, months, and years have now been gone and, through the days, months, years, she visited Octavia, her music career went up, became good friends with Octavia, which turned to liking each other very much and now, they're both their "special somepony"s and live in a "House" together. What can possibly go wrong?

Make sure to fav. the album! :)

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