anyone wanna help me on my shitty synths. :l

Gonna be working on this like every day mostly. until i get it right.

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  • this is quite chill. don't stop working on your synths, bruh. you'll find what you want.

  • these synths work well!

  • Invite me to this. I can work on our during lunch at school. Our lunch is like an hour

  • aye you guys making me blush eke.

  • Dude those synths are great

  • hud? synths? if you need help inv me duuu.

  • Shitty? Your synths are still better than mine lol

  • and i gotta say, these are some perty nice synths.

  • yeh rehleh.

  • damnit andy. :l

  • aayyye, yall like mah synths... yall gonna make me blush...nnnngh.

  • very mello synth sounds, but an unsettling progression. very nice.

  • really?

  • awesome! :D