Hi everyone, sorry for my absence, I've had a lot of work which made me take a break from music...

Today, I'm not releasing any music (sorry...) but I really wanted to talk with you, the AT community and beyond, all musicians, composers, and creative people...

For those who are not necessarily following generative AI technology, it refers to AIs that can generate different things, based more or less on large databases, on the internet or locally, etc. Today, there are generative AIs in many fields, whether with ChatGPT, Midjourney, or DALL-E for images (for example), but also today in a field that is gradually catching up with the others: generative music AI (Suno, Udio, etc.).

The music you are listening to, for example, is a track I generated in 30 seconds with a very basic prompt made up of a few keywords. I used the "Suno" website to create it.

What do you think about the future of music? Should we be afraid or, on the contrary, use these tools for sample generation? Do you think artists will be protected in the future?

This was a little question I had, I'm not sure what to think about it, just putting it out there, even if no one necessarily notices the topic.

The music here is just a support so that we can talk about it calmly, thank you for your understanding!

(And obviously, the image used for this music is also made with AI)

cya - greenmoon

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  • Was this made with Suno? (For those who may not know, Suno is an Ai music creation browser that is free to access for anyone and it creates some of the most realistic music and has fooled me. It can do almost any genre with any language.)

  • I really hope A.I doesn't become a popular trend in music , I prefer the music be created by actual people.

    • I think music will never be more creative than us

  • bro wth is this shit

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  • I make fun of AI music on suno using stupid and sometimes borderline concerning prompts on Suno (they removed my murder prompt because "it would defile the site")

  • this is amazing, that an AI can make stuff like this, it has great potential to make sampling a more streamlined process without the copyright issues. but it has such greater potential to be abused, its being abused by several already. all good things come with bad things but this one seems more open for the bad than good. it needs regulations and laws. im pro-AI, but also pro-regulation, i love seeing these things improve but hate seeing people use it to make something they barely understand

    • Yes, exactly, there's a great need for extensive regulation, and it should be universal. These platforms should provide the necessary tools to make this music detectable or tagged? I'm not sure exactly how that could happen...

    • then they say "i made this shi bro, wym"

  • damn for an AI track, that' really advanced

    honestly the main future i see for AI music is mainly in sampling, its just a whole new way to create something without taking someone elses work and as of rn its uncharted territory.

    my theory is that in the future if sampling through AI becomes popular, generated sounds from these generators will prob be monetized in some way or another,

    more than they are now.

    just more paywalls and crap like that.


    • I completely agree with you, especially regarding the fact that people will continue to recognize the artist and their work. But I wonder what will happen to the "future artists" who will start out once AI is more advanced in the field of music... How to make a name for oneself when hundreds of millions of contents will flood platforms from everywhere?

    • theres already people making a name for themselves out of AI music, claiming it as their own creation and due to lack of laws or regulations, it technically is their creation

    • honestly i need to learn more about this kinda stuff cause i feel like im talking out of my ass rn

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  • i'd rather my music made by humans