royalty-free sample by me

if you report the sample you're just being toxic

cuz I made it using synths on here


i couldn't think of anything to do with this, so I made it a contest



1. Entry has to be at least 55 secs or entry is invalid (idgaf if it's 54 secs make it longer)

2. When Publishing, make sure remix is off (I don't want cheaters)

3. No remixing other ppl's tracks ^^^ (if you do, entry = invalid)

4. You can change the sample.

5. You can only publish 1 entry, but you can update it (until the deadline is over)

6. Up to 4 in collab

7. No asking sum1 who already has an entry in for help or your entry is invalid (why, pretty much cheating)

8. Go insane, don't hold back (or I'll eat your face)

9. Have fun!


Deadline will be announced once 5 entries are made

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