so i took the rap beat i made the other day to a whole new level and placed some vocals in it, a random guy saying "wherever baby". i found the vocal in the dropbox under the name "progressive vocals Wherever 01'

thanks for listening :)

edit: placed in a new vocal part and panned it to the right completetely

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  • thanks :)

  • nice VIP :)

  • Thanks, i had lucky with the sample because it was originally 131.2 bpm or something so i had lucky it sounded so cool

  • Very Kool, love it...i used that sample along time ago not as good as U DID....btw, the difference between funk beats and R&B drum beats is that the base drum(kick) is on the 1st beat of the measure in funk...and on 2nd beat in R&B...small difference....but i know U know that already.:)

  • thank you, it's a remix of my own track. so you know ;)

  • good remix.

  • i love the beat. cool vois. nice beat.

  • awsome work. man