Trying another time signature: 15/16. Thanks to Adam Neely for the idea.

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  • Republished

    updated the title and thumbnail

  • Republished

    Added crash/reverse crash to build tension and increase intensity.

  • wowowow there needs to be more music like this in the world

  • Republished

    Fixed the ending I cut off in the first republish.

  • Republished

    Changed title and thumbnail.

  • Republished

    Added reverse crash intro.

  • definitely not easy to listen to but pretty unique.

    • Is it the time signature that you find difficult to listen to?

  • I'm going to add a drum breakdown after the rest & come back in with an alternate chord progression, etc but I don't want to make it too much longer. Might shorten the intro.

    Except My headphones are broken, so not until I get new ones.