Ballistic Knight

11 Followers 11 Following Joined about 8 years ago
Hope u like my music!! :D

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  • ay, check out my limited time track

    [Brutal Trapstep]

  • but I like the song you got my follow I give it a ^-^ thumbs up

  • tis ok eye have never seen you on audiotool

  • omg, SAO!

  • Sry I haven't been on in awhile... :/ (Seadro here) Ballistic hasn't bin here recently and I have bin busy in my own life and my account.

  • Hey there! :D DragonProSeadro (aka Seadro) here!! :D I am Ballistic Knights older cousin. Currently, Ballistic is using my laptop for AT and won't be on often. He has told me to make some songs for him, but I've been working on my account more.... I really haven't been on much anyway to make songs for Ballistic. Anyway, If u happen to pass by, plz give my cousin a follow. That would be greatly appreciated! Thx! ;D