
12 Followers 9 Following Joined about 11 years ago

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  • hey

  • LoL, Ok !:)

  • Define riot!

  • Hey Carp, thanks for following!

  • You're about music. I'm about imagery. Really I'm musical-genre-ly diverse. I got a few funky tracks in production. and a few psytrance, a dubstep. etc. etc. If you think I'm just making sounds and not music. Guess again. To me, music is audible emotion. And it can be presented through the ways of the mixer.

  • GoldenCarp, you have music shake don't you? Hi, I'm Equatic, and I also have a music shake. My music shake username is Equatic. Very nice seeing you.

  • It doesn't take away from the nature, it adds to it.

  • Ah, I guess when we talk about abstract ideas, everyone is going to have different definitions for similar sounding words. In my circles, we use the word "sound" to describe how all the elements come together. It's sort of a descriptor of the synergy of all elements. Not to be confused with the concrete idea of sound, as in vibrations moving through space :)

  • Hey, I saw your comments on @opaqity 's track. I agree, you should focus on the feel of the music. I'm a jazz saxophonist; I'm all about the feel. The thing is, "the feel" is a very vague and arbitrary descriptor when it comes to producing music, and it can only come through when these technical aspects are all synergizing. Music without technique is just sound.