T.L.B Music

6 Followers 7 Following Joined about 10 years ago


Im T.L.B Music (T.L.B means Tomato, Lettuce & Bacon. Mad I Know)

My presets labeld TLB_

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  • fuck uyyo for making that loud ass lead

    • idk wtf that shit is

    • TLB_ RnB Lead aint even a rnb lead

  • Never mind.. Found your other Profile. Yeah, I'll collab with you, as long as it's on the other Profile. I know it's a weird request, but I have reasons. Get back to me as soon as you can.

  • I might want to collab, but you don't... like... have any.... What I'm trying to say is it's pretty hard to judge an artist and decide whether or not to collaborate with them when they don't have any tracks... Sorry. :)