PlayStation or Xbox?

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Which gaming console do you prefer, and why?

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  • The most clear advantage of purchasing an Xbox One over a PS4 right now is that Microsoft has the most powerful console on the market. The other major advantage — and this applies to the Xbox One S as well — is that Xbox supports UHD Blu-ray playback and Dolby Atmos, whereas the PS4 Pro does not. Games with Gold grants you actual ownership over the games you download, meaning that you can keep them even if you are no longer an Xbox Live subscriber. Furthermore, even the simplest laptop can stream Xbox One games no problem, as the computer is not actually running them; the monitor is simply being treated as a remote second screen. A computer can also function in reverse, wirelessly streaming your monitor’s display onto the Xbox.

    • the Xbox controller is often cited as a sturdier controller with a better build than Sony’s DualShock brand. A major difference is with the placement of the analog sticks. While Sony opts for symmetrical sticks, Microsoft has the right thumbstick slightly lower than the left. Many agree that this is more comfortable for thumbs to rest and causes fewer cramps. While functionally very similar, the Xbox One and PS4 controllers have a few key differences: Microsoft’s gamepad has impulse triggers which allow for rumble and feedback, which is a surprisingly useful feature for shooters or racing games where force feedback can enhance the experience. Xbox controller narrowly has the edge here simply because it gives you more options; whether you want to use disposable AA batteries or invest in some heavy-duty rechargeable, the Xbox controller gives you the options, whereas once the Dualshock 4 battery dies, the controller is pretty much toast.

  • neither. grog use rock

  • PS

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