How do I make a good song?

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I like making 8bit and jazz/electro swing music, but unfortunately I'm having trouble finding the right tools and samples to do so. Could someone please give me an easy-to-understand rundown of what devices to use mainly, and how they work? Also, please leave as many tips as you have, I'm so lost rn and feel like a goof trying to make random sounds :')

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  • a good song comes from the heart (whatever floats your boat. as long as you put time and effort)

  • it mght take a while to understand all the toold and the devices so i advise you to be patient, also for 8bit i recommend using the crusher and playing around with it abit

  • audiotool has a great manual on all the different effects and synthesizers here:

    but, since you like making 8bit, you're gonna end up using the crusher (an effect) every single time. the crusher takes an audio signal and bitcrushes it down to whatever you choose. by default, it crushes to 8 bits. now in the synthesizers tab, you should use mostly pulverisateurs if you're making 8 bit. heisenbergs also work well, you can control them more than pulverisateurs, but they're also more complex. the space is good for atmospheric sounds or ambient sounds. the bassline isn't used much, because it's very limited and tedious. the tonematrix is good if you want a quick sound, but it comes with built in reverb, which you may not want in an 8bit song.

    that took a while to type. the manual knows more about effects than i do so read that. any word you don't know in the manual you should probably look up.

    some general things about knobs

    gain/volume just make it louder

    level in usually dry vs wet (dry is it doesn't apply the effect at all, and wet is it applies it all the way. basically how strong the effect is.)

    all the other knobs, just change it while holding down a note and you can figure out what it does pretty quickly.