Audiotool never goes past Loading Project - Rendering Document

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As the topic title says, when I try to load any of my drafts, whether I'm using the Booster or not, the loading bar for the document rendering process never proceeds. It doesn't crash or anything, but it doesn't do anything, which means I can't access my drafts, which is annoying to say the least.

Does anyone have any idea as to why this might be happening?

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  • same problem on rooted acer chromebook cb3-532 on dev channel.

    • Dev is unsupported. Please use the stable channel.

  • I just got on the audiotool and when i click the "app" it wont go past the loading screen,i have no idea what to do, i need help please

    • Works fine for me at the moment. What browser are you using?

  • Ok, I can open projects now! Was there something wrong on the back end?

  • Hey, same goes for me.

    The only steps I tried so far are removing cookies and passwords but still got stuck while loading after.

    The last thing I can remember I did was swapping from html, to an unsaved flash project and closed the browser after.

    I did not return to the app until now and get the error on every html project.

    I can open flash projects though.