How Can i Setup And Use AKAI Keyboard Through MIDI?

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I've been considering to buy a midi keyboard to up my game a bit but I've been wondering can I really do with a midi controller? am I able to make drums through the machinest and make 808's with the Heisenberg through the keyboard and 2x4 mini drum pads? the keyboard I'm considering is an Akai Professional LPK25 | 25-Key Ultra-Portable USB MIDI through Amazon. please anyone that has experience with using midi on audiotool, please respond.

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  • on a chrombook.

  • A keyboard controller will allow you to play AT's synths, including the drum machines. I'd recommend getting a controller with rotary knobs, as you can also map them to controls on any device. This makes the experience of playing and tweaking the sound closer to using a real synthesizer. You can also record your playing and/or control tweaking in real time from your controller. Definitely get one, it will let you concentrate more on the music. :)

    • what kind of keyboard is it

    • What should I do?

    • Is the "LED" light on the device lighting up only some of the times when you press keys? Are the inactive keys contiguous? Maybe you have a keyboard split configured on your MIDI keyboard? Or are the inactive keys randomly located? Maybe your MIDI keyboard is faulty?

    1 more
  • I use an Akai Professional LPD8 drum controller and an Oxygen25 midi keyboard. Once you have your midi devices connected into your computer, just right click any drum machine or synth, assign midi controller, tap the drum pad/key on your drum or keyboard controller, then you should be good to go.

    • how do you get a external mpk mini to work in audio tool

    • In Next: open the MIDI Setup window (choose "Window > MIDI Setup" or press Shift+M) and make sure that on the DEVICES tab you can see your MIDI controller. If you press something on it, you should also see incoming messages to the right of the controller name. You can close the window. Make sure that you choose "Learn MIDI Keyboard" (right-click for the context menu) on the device that you want to control. Playing your external controller should send messages to this device (you can check if the "Note" LED on the device lights up when you press notes on your external keyboard). Finally, make sure that the device is set to produce sound (check volumes and connections).

    • im using both. when i click the piano with my mouse it makes noise. but with my keyboard it is nothing.

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  • has this been resolved, i am in the same place as the question, i have a yamaha keyboard starring at me

    • My Casio CDP-235R is working like a dream with Audiotool. I still need to figure out how to make the midi write itself in, but I'm getting good sound and things are looking good. My advice is that when it says "waiting for device input" you need to play your keyboard for it to recognise it.

    • same but i haven't figured out how to setup the stuff for it and plus I need to get cords and stuff soon and I think I'll be able to do more

  • 2x3* *what I'm sorry I was typing really fast