How do I access the Sequencer-like interface?

  • 0
  • 4 know? That thing with the grids where on the left there's a vertical keyboard and you can click the squares in the grid to select the note on the same row of that square? pease...

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  • 1. Make sure the timeline is visible

    2. Add a note track for the device you want to hear (if it doesn't already exist)

    3. Double-click into the note track to create a pattern

    4. Double-click the pattern to expand it

    You'll see the keyboard and you can start adding notes to the pattern. There's an icon to the left where you can collapse the view when you're done.

    • Thank you very much! Appreciated greatly.

    • Oh, right. Thanks for the correction.

    • Just wanted to point out that the correct term is note region. Pattern regions can't be expanded. Just so that there's no confusion.