How do you get rid of lag?

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hello, i was wondering if there was another way to get rid of lag instead of the CPU being the problem. suggestions?

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  • Another trick would be to pull up the full timeline and expand it. The lag greatly reduces.

  • it lags only if ur on another tab or u have alot of activity, notice on the bottom right hand corner when ur making a track it tells u what percent ur activity is on. the lower the less lag. but when u render it all it should clear the lag

  • If you're working on only a small part of your arrangement and you only need to hear that, deactivate all the tracks that you don't need on the time-line. In my experience, this helps a lot.

    • If the looped selection still has lots of active tracks, it will still lag.

    • or just right clikc the part and click loop selection

  • Minimize the window.