importing mp3

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'why am i not allowed to import my file thats an mp3, i just paid for audioblocks so i can make some phat beats but its saying flie to long like wtf just let me upload ittext'

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  • i uploaded a file but I can't use it

  • fuck man

  • why.

  • To all concerned, I think due to the fact that this is an online collaboration tool the creators are concerned about liability for copyright infringement. There's no "but it's for my private use" because this is an online collab community and I believe everything is accessible to everyone which is part of proving a claim for copyright infringement. Unfortunately there are copyright trolls out there who would exploit this. BTW - I may be completely off base here. Just trying to help.

    • It's not really helpful to open this discussion over and over again. There are clear laws and terms and conditions which prohibit sharing arbitrary samples. We don't make the rules, we just follow them. It's completely irrelevant if someone likes this or not.

      Unless someone changes those laws and terms, nothing will change the outcome of this discussion.

  • You call this a collaboration tool but you're so terrified of copyright infringement that you're not allowing artists to collaborate? I'm an attorney. This seems bonkers. Acid Pro has a MASSIVELY ROBUST collaboration community that allows upload / download of a huge library of loops and no restrictions on importing MP3 / WAV files. Unfortunately not useable on my chromebook as far as I know. The GOOD NEWS is that this is an AWESOME TOOL. Thank you!!!!!!

    • Can you point me to that "huge library of loops" that has been uploaded by the community?

      Also I didn't find a tutorial explaining this upload - do you know any video?

  • How do you import samples into your track

  • Can't put this new track in to my mp3

  • No but im not adding it i just wanna keep it for myself surely thier is a way i can add somthin longer than 30 sec's that is only accecible by me.