Music dubbing users and redistribution

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i have seen celebrities on this site and as well as that other individuals adults and minors dub others projects. i have seen glitches that i have documented that the user be the name of ghost has the ability to change codes and also rewrite the software design .

and in putting his imagine in place of the tone matrix.

hacking isn't really amazing, its just something people learn to abuse power. if we have all these tech savy people of all ages. its sad that people interfere with personal lives of others.

im really i need answers you can anti trust to kids i guess but i have a longer memory than a computer. i have absorbed all intellectual property information and all business tactics since 2011. and all corporate and international news , i even heard about the school shooting in Russia.

all companies are not getting past the radar.

i am a musician 1st then ima engineer, i study computers when i was 10 years old. and my family designs military computers as well.

and we have citizenship in your country of Germany. anyway this is all a mess. this only stuff. s&P international property

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