Tb303 timing?

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Hi, I'm pretty new to Audiotool(next) and was wondering if you can set the timing on the Bassline (TB303) Forum searches bring up nothing about this, I've looked at the manual on here and also searched online but I cant find anything.

There are some patterns I would like to mess about with but they require note held and note off(rest) and I'm not sure how to do this, Is there a way to do this?

btw these patterns are purely for me messing about, not publishing. There's a certain pattern that I could just push buttons and twist knobs for hours with lol

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  • Thanks for that info, I'll keep that in mind for future reference in case it comes up again, cheers.

  • If you want to tie notes, turn on "Slide" on the first note of the tied group. Its sound will continue into the next note. You can do this for several consecutive notes. If their pitches differ, you'll get the usual pitch slides. Is this what you mean?

  • I'm just guessing here, I'm not that familiar with english music related vocabulary yet, but I would say note = note on, Rest = note off . And held maybe just means to use the same note twice in a row? Please somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

    And no problem my friend, the bassline really is a super fun machine, the more you use It and play around the better results you'll get. Cheers :)

  • Yeah sorry, the note on/off doh! I wasn't thinking about that lol

    I'm still not sure about the note held thing but I found that x0xb0x patterns work and I now have the patterns working fine.

    Thanks for the reply low ego, I did read the manual but there's nothing about setting timings ie note,tie and rest but thinking logically note would mean note on and rest would be note off?

    I've been researching and note tie seems to only be available on real TB-303's but I read a post saying to achieve a note tie on a x0xb0x you would do a note on with a slide on the previous note. (this means nothing to me yet but I just thought I'd post that info in case it's useful to anyone.)

    There was a pattern that says note held, any ideas on what that means to a Audiotool Tb303? (just for future reference.)

    Anyway, I'm a happy chappy now, got some good old skool acid patterns to mess with. :)

  • Hey! I'm not sure if I understand correctly, but if you want to choose if a note plays or not just use the note off/on buttom.

    Anyway, I'm sure is easier understand reading the 303 bassline manual -> Bassline

    Cheers :)