How Do I Make Super-Low Basses That Aren't Distorted?

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I'm having trouble making a bass that can support low notes without so much distortion that it kills the pitch. Please help!

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  • hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  • How low are you trying to go?

    Applying FX to low frequencies can quickly cause these issues, sometimes frequency splitting is the answer. This has its own issues with phase though.

    • damn bro you are pretty smart, thanks

    • FX = Effects

      Frequency splitting is the process of splitting a signal into frequency bands (bandsplitter will do this, or you can use the splitter and eqs/slopes to get more bands if you wish)

      A sound can be in or out of phase. Essentially when any sound is made, the waveform of that sound travels longitudinally. If you duplicate this exact signal and send the copy with the slightest of delay, it is now out of phase with the original. If the timing of this delay is such that the two signals are 180degrees out of phase, they will cancel each other out. This is easily done with lower frequencies, thus usually phase issues can be heard (or not heard :P) in the lowend of a track.

      if you want to hear this phenomenon without using delays, put a mono sample through the panorma device, pan both channels to the centre, and then turn the ratio on one channel to -1. You have now inverted the phase of one channel, and as both channels contain the same information (because it was a mono sample) they will cancel each other.

    • 1) What's FX? (Is that another name for the effects pedals?)

      2) What's frequency splitting?

      3) What's phase?