How to create articulation?

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The main frustration I have with digital DAWs is that it is very difficult to create nuanced notes and details. Things like variation in volume, length, reverb, articulation, and all those stuff are either not present or have to be painfully designed manually.

With a physical instrument or MIDI keyboard, I can play them out naturally in seconds. I don't have a MIDI keyboard, and I'm not sure if cheaper ones will be so sensitive to articulation and the tone and whatnot of each note.

I'm a classical pianist with a great interest in digital music, but I really feel notes need that level of nuance and variation for the music to feel alive.

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  • There is the option to user the "humanised" function with midi in Audiotool in order to get this nuance. You'll have to spend a bit of time playing with different settings to get whatever you're specifically look for.

    • You don't need one to use the humanised funcion. Midi is just an input trigger; in this case the notes hand drawn into the notetrack.

    • Yeah but I don't have a MIDI keyboard at the moment.