How to solve audio distortion

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I've been often having this issue where whenever I make an audiotrack it sounds fine when I'm wearing my headphones but whenever I hook it to an external speaker the audio is distorted, the audio isn't clipping and neither is it that loud, I don't understand how to fix it, maybe it's something that I'm doing wrong? How to improve the audio quality?

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  • it also could be that the bass is so aggresive, that when it plays over multiple melodies, the track will start distorting, and maybe even lag.

  • i am not very qualified to give you an answer but i am pretty sure its not audio quality, some audio output sources tend to have the bass boosted.

    thats why when you listen to a song in a car it sounds more gritty and dirty than the original song when listened to from a speaker.

    either that or you are making the song on low pc volume: making the song while your computer is at lets say 30% volume then listening to it on 50% or on a louder speaker will make it "sound" distorted when its just on a higher volume than usual, and a fix of this would be to have your computer on a certain volume that you like every time you make a song (thus making all of your songs have a unified supposed volume) [mine is at 20]; also some computers on 30 might not sound like others on 30, even if you use the same headphones and same everything.

    hope that helps.