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  • Republished


  • Title: "Neon Love"

    Overall Impression:

    The track has a dreamy and atmospheric vibe that sets a relaxing mood. The use of synths and effects creates a lush sonic landscape that's engaging to listen to.

    Production Quality:

    The production is clean and polished, with a good balance between the different elements. The mix is well-done, and each instrument has its space without feeling cluttered.

    • this chatgpt ai generated crit lmao

    • Final Thoughts:

      "Neon Love" is a well-produced track with a captivating atmosphere. With some tweaks to enhance variation and creativity, it has the potential to be even more compelling and memorable.

    • Performance:

      The performance is solid, with a tight groove and well-executed instrumentation. The vocals, if present, are expressive and suit the mood of the song.

      Creativity and Originality:

      While the track captures a familiar genre/style, it could benefit from more unique elements or unexpected twists to stand out in a crowded music scene.

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    • so respectfully, change the lyrics to something else that harmonizes and doesn't have cliche lyrics or just remove them and it'll be better, that's why I don't usually do lyrics

    • its vocals that dont sync or sound good with the instruments, how on earth is that art? abstract art only belongs to visual art, but when it comes to music, you cant interpret a dissonant out-of-sync "blend" of instrumental and vocals as anything more than, well... a dissonant out-of-sync "blend" of instrumental and vocals

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  • Nice one

  • Nice dude!


  • Nice mix !

  • Ethereal

  • 8/10