Congrats Budushcheye!

Made a short DnB remix for the comp, it's not much and it's pretty awful but hey.

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  • smooth!

  • I had no problem choosing this as the overall winner! Congratulations! You won a collab (Which we already have c;) you won a follow (you already have xD) and a shoutout which will be put in my description tomorrow <3 Good job! c:

  • Doge/10

  • now this is why i recommended you in my Audiotool feature lol

  • So extremely chill and sweetles lmao

  • oo this is gr808, sounds really clean :)

  • <3 <3


    if u know what i mean!

  • This sounds great, but looking dog is disturbing. I'm scared.

  • myfeetwontstoptappingmyfeetwontstoptappingDDD;

  • <3 <3 <3

  • This is what was possible. Everyone who said that my comp didn't give ideas. Smh. This is brilliant. I love. I love. I love. How did you know my fav genre was dnb??? c;

  • sub could be cleaner, but this is sick

  • piano :o