fly by the window

flail in the curtains

dominant, root, fifth

vomit, shoot, and spit

caught in the linen

i try not to film them

little cameras in front of my brain

funny how they leave so many stains

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  • more like error and trial

  • yes a dream come true type music

  • zhis is so good, refav

  • this is p weird dawg i fw it

  • This is indeed really damn incredibly slept on

  • I had this downloaded on ny phone, when i played it i actually heard some crazy little details in there

  • the attention to detail on this is p mad

  • Dang thats hot

  • y'all really be sleeping on this track, huh

  • I know how you feel, I do this all the time.

    • To be honest, I feel like at least one out of three of my tracks are ones I've made really late at night that I've just gone back to fix up the next day if I didn't publish it that night, lol.