REMIXED hope you like it booksphan


I made this track for many reasons: I was looking for a new ringtone, I wanted to see if I still know how to use AT, and for some other reasons.

Anyway it isn't nothing special tho. I just made a simple melody and looped it several times.

This project is like the "base" for other tracks- I'll use it to create other very similar to this.

If you want you can remix it.

PS: please tell me what to improve and what do you think about it.

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    • ill hop on later and check it out !

    • @TR@P M@N I've send U an invitation. If you want you can make it longer, add drums, delete something or whatever :D

    • Yes, it is good. I would like to extend HORIZON a bit (it was meant to be my ringtone, that's why it is so short) and make a normal-length track. If you want we can start a collab :D

  • Republished

    cut off the blank end