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  • don't know why i never looked at this b4.. It's realy good

  • Why thank you Notoz

  • ;O ahh Love that Beat!! :)

  • Yeah I really need to work on them more. I've been working on this song for a while ans I only published it just to show what I have so far.

  • very cool, but i think the transitions could be smoothed a bit

  • um i dont think so...

  • Im trying to remix this and its really slow and laggy, but when i play something else it works fine. did you have the same problem?

  • good work! the only thing id do is more of a entrance to the highs notes ato 0:14 seconds. one one question could you tell me how you made the vox at 0:34 ?

  • Thank you so much! I'm going to work on this song more. I just wanted to show everyone what I have for now.

  • I really enjoyed this one, exspecially the pads. good work :D