tis my first single- ISTG AUDIOTOOL IF U BLOCK DIS IMA BE MAD!!! this is me and this is my song; fite me broski

ANYWAYS! i hope you enjoy it!

Check me out on Spotify and Apple Music- hoping to release and EP soon!!

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  • Congrats on 400k on spotify!

    3 more
  • Bro this song is so good it reminds me of so many things

  • This had 300k on spotify. That's crazy.

    • im hip, next year the gaol is 1milli!

  • are all of the vocals you? like even the chorus?

    • nah some are samples

    1 more

    • dude u just sing/rap the way that i enjoy. like its not even necessarily my style but FUCK i like ur style bro lmaooo

    • Lmaooo I’m flattered fr- all my stuffs out on Spotify and Apple Music If ya wanna listen when Not on audiotool haha

  • should do sum screaming in it but idk i think weird

  • I fuck with it. You ever think about doing vocals for something heavier? Idk if you'd be down for collabing on something more aggressive.

    You have a good voice and your recording quality is for sure good enough for vocal stems

    • i would love to work on sum agressive stuff haha

    • Tbh I've been working mostly in ableton lately, but I'd be down to get back on Audiotool

  • Amazing song but easy on the hashtags lol

  • Why am I not able to remix this?

  • Amazing bro

  • This is my new favorite song

    • go steam it on spotify and apple music!! (just type in poet valentine december and my face will pop up lol)

  • great track

  • shi smacks

  • why isnt this #1

    • lmao lets make it #1!!!