hey kid you like coffee

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  • This is fucking cool

    • Lol yeah, I do like bleak more than any of my older stuff, I very much got the kind of vibe I was wanting to with it. Although, everything after that up until maybe more or less last year was me still figuring stuff out, so you know. But yeah, I know how you feel.

    • pfffft, not high quality my ass. Bleak is a BANGER lmaooooooo PogChampion. But yeah, it's good to have someone else relate to cringing to their own older works. seriously, a lot of the stuff I did I look back and wonder "how in the possible fuck did i think that sounded acceptable"

    • That's pretty awesome. I personally like it quite a bit, although I understand where you're coming from, disliking your older work I mean. Although then again, my older stuff isn't as high quality or well made when compared to yours lol.

    1 more
  • (speaking of Bleak, I've unconsciously had it looping in the background as I have been replying to you for who knows how long haha)

  • Republished

    lazy tweaks here n there