so since there wasn't any rle saying that i have to remix it i clicked REMIX and then created a song with it

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  • kk bro. If you do make a second entry, just spam my wall like always :)

  • @withdecay i guess i'll enter it in but i'll have it on My album D3AD GRAV1TY and anyways i can make a 2nd entry but this time i'm going to actually remix it also your placement is messy i don't scatter it all-out i normally keep it all together

  • that's my mistake..... I will give you a choice, rather you enter this in and i will judge accordingly between yours and the others, or you could add this to dead gravity and make a different remix (i know difficult, sorry :/). Your choice idrc

  • @withdecay ik but there wasn't really a rule saying that i had to remix the song

  • I will say this is pretty good (and catchy :3) but even though I said to make it your own creation, the essence of a remix is taking the original and drastically changing it, but with you to be able to hear the little bits of inspiration from the original. I hate to make this complicated, sorry if I wasn't clear enough :/

  • i meant rule not rle