Destinesia - Reaching your destination then forgetting why you went there.

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  • My gord, so full..i love it

  • Destinesia....Interesting concept.

    very nice work.

  • nice

  • this shit is P H A T T and.... T H I C C

  • why do you use sampled risers? just use the following heisenberg: A: Formant IV, all phase, filter cutoff automated, resonance optional

  • I agree with Xtract about the distortion. But appart from that this is great <3

  • Oh my. Thats pretty thicc.

  • distornt me dad

  • Republished

    also removed reverse kick

  • Republished

    think it sounds better with the main lead down an octave

  • the fucking bass in this is ridiculous

    • What can i say im a bassline junky

  • I like the melodies and chord progression but the heavy distortion is a bit much for my taste.

    • It's personal preference man <3

  • doooope

  • incredible sound design, hold wow

  • Love it