Ok think about this one and simple question.

Imagine a world where we simply had no crude oil whatsoever but other materials that have never been discovered by human kind before and that their properties are beyond human comprehension.

This would allow us to get our thinking hats on and start experimenting with these new resources in unconventional methods and before you know you had a eurika moment and that allows the human race to manufacture on it and evolve upon it.

In other words think about the other possible technological advancements if they were not classified years ago. All of human civilisation would have thrived upon building these new technologies and live a far better and longer lasting life then by today's standerds.

So at the end of the day while we still have these resources should we start overhauling our current technology in exchange for better, cleaner and more sustainable technology or do we continue using our current resources and bleed our home world dry until there is nothing left for us to manufacture so that by then it will be too late.

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  • Oh my gosh i love the feel to this song! fits perfectly with the title!

  • You definitely made it space-sounding, but the the synths sound off-key

  • why did you go into those two different chord changes it sounds cool but the chords itself doesn't work.

  • Are you implying we already possess these "other materials" and need to use them?

  • deep thoughts....