I think too much

I dream too much

I am too much

I too much




. . .

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  • Beauti :~)

  • love it

  • want to play over this on keyboard at some point

    would be fun

    • I'd actually join you on that journey

  • I envy this creativity wow

  • this is quite stunningly gorgeous

  • <3

  • love love love

  • creativity is weird

    i don't know, but i assume you made this in a moment

    after which you were surprised, in wonder maybe, at what had travelled from some electrical signals from your brain into a mindless machine, producing sound and emotions, rather suddenly

    this kind of moment.. you can't get it back, you can't induce it. you can only enjoy it and hope that it might happen even just one more time in your life.

    2 more
  • this has only been listened to by perhaps four or five hundred people.

    it's unfair, really, but if you think of the number of people who have experienced that moment of creativity

    that i assume you felt making this,

    that number is small.

  • like not even kidding this is the pinnacle of all music lol.

  • here i am again

  • One of the best songs on audiotool

  • still cant

  • i feel like i am crumbling, crumbling with happiness

    and the drop....insanely amazing