Just say in the comments if you want to collab.


Don't remove other parts unless you're allowed to.

If you join, contribute.

Don't change the title.

What people added:

Minecraftpawa and Minecraftpatch made the dubstep drop.

Seyasoya made most of the awesome, groovy tune you hear at the start.

TimmyInc added the buildup and bit after the drop.

(seyasoya note: it's actually not orchestra, just some cliche thing for some actual trap/dubstep, just sayin)

Current participants: 4

If you join, add what you added to the description.

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  • I'm still open to collab with anyone on both this and Plan A!

  • 100 plays! :D

  • 50 downloads! :D

  • Sure, why not?

    • By the way, say what you added so I can credit you in the description. :)

    • There, I invited you. (By the way, do you like Dubstep? I've made more than 15 minutes in Dubstep on AudioTool and it turned out ok. This is planned to be a sort of chilled dubstep track, so calm parts and beat drops are ideal, but anything goes in a collab.) :)

    • Ok, sorry for not replying sooner, I was just making a Geometry Dash level and forgot to check AudioTool. :)

  • We can help each other out