The best so far by me, better ones yet 2 come!!! :D

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  • oh shit masta j!!!

  • thanks a lot man, that RLY means a lot to me. N yea idk why nobody ever rly checked me out in the beginning cuz I think some of my best stuff is within the first few months of me joining audiotool-lol :P Thanks 4 digging up my old tunes for the world to see, and for the current renewal of inspiration sir!!! :D

  • I had some of your more recent songs on a disc and decided that I would come and see what other great tracks you have. Needless to say I am not disappointed. This is worthy of a download and listen later. Love the drop and kick. Thanks for sharing, and for inviting me over, I really enjoyed my time in your vault, kinda like that creepy uncle that just wont go away.