You ever have one of those days That's just a little bit out of step from the norm. Every thing is okay but things just seem a little different too you... but you like it. Things are just a little out of step for you but in a good way. a lil off beat but comming together just fine. Hell you actually remembered that you put your keys in the fridge the night before and were only late for work because you had an issue with your hair. you were only 5 mins late for work and no one noticed :) infact you got compliments on your bad hair and every one seems to like the new look. At the end of the day, though it was nothing spectacular, things just came together some how and you feel good about life in general especially after such a tough year. its good to have a "nice day " a welcome break from the norm.

this song best describes the feeling here . At some points it may be a litte off beat but in a good way and some how it all comes together and you really dont know why but dont really care.. Enjoy

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  • Sweet

  • wow!

  • wow this is fantastic!! that scaling synth is spectacular

  • Today was one of those days, love it.

  • Fookin' Great Man. (said in stoner voice)

  • The intro reminds me the Pink Floyd sound... Fookin' great !

  • whats up with that piano, it's too good to be true. Hats off to ya.

  • Bad hangover, eh? ;) What you publish lately is more a complete piece of art than just a track.

  • Cool climat !

  • Le début, j'adore...

  • Nice mix man!

  • ascoltata in santa pace senza fretta bhe.è uno spettacolo di suoni che riempie la giornata nuvolosa :-)

  • Thank you tornsage :)

  • i read this again it's great to have this with the music i would love to see more people talk about their music and not just about the genre but how they feel about it or a story or idea behind it - love this track :)

  • thanks Griz