Have fun on spring break guys! It approaches! Btw's anyone else going to the war of ages concert on the 15th? It's ten bucks in advance, more if you just show up. Btw I made that electro growl bass. Mine. However I did use a preset for the blip lead, but I usually make them myself. And could someone give me a genre for this song? I've no clue. lol as usual. It was supposed to end up as house, but this happened instead.

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  • Very Nice.

  • I think the drop would sound better at 120 bpm. don't you think

  • dnb? i likey

  • Republished

    I added a chord synth to make it sound more full

  • @sadface nah I get what you mean. I think I'll add some chords to the melody so it sounds more full. And the electro growl isn't my thing. I don't really write dubstep, so I understand your criticism. But I do love my regular bass. Overall, thanks for paying attention.

  • Great track man, nice use of the Rass & i like the beat alot as well :)

  • bruh we all gotta spam sometimes, it's all good. I like it as a whole, and I really, really love the drop idea, but the sound is a little... not full for my taste. I'm also not too big on that style of bass synth. HOWEVER, now that I've said all that, you should keep in mind that I'm listening through my awful laptop speakers because I've lost my headphones, which means that for all I know the sound is full as fuck and what I just said is lies.