I left fo a while...

I really haven't been active..

None of my ideas were good...

I suck....

I really hate my life

JK... I love you guys... each and every one of you. Laz, bby... you're so amazing in your chord progression, so i had to steal some chords from an old song


Aura, you are the most amazing dude... you pushed me to continue, and whithout you, i wouldn't be making this right now.....


Laz, You brighten my day dude. you're soo funny, and seem to not take anything seriously, but then you come out with songs like Mantra...


Nich, an amazing example of how anyone gan push through anything. You are also why im still here. You are a rival I can race, and a goal i can grasp


Wist& & Rey, you too should get together... jkjk! You guys help me with mixing, mastering, and crit. you guys, in my eyes, are peers who are miles ahead of me. Rey, with your creativity, and Wist, with your amazing database of knowledge.


And don't forget, all of the people I didn't name still pushed me to come back. I still love you all..


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