Before I start my little rave on this songs topic, I gotta give props to Armenix. Great song dude, very nice chords.

I live in what could be the whitest, most republican little town in all of America. Everyday the 16,000 some people go about their Racist and Hatful activities. Even though people here don't express it as they do in the deep south, a attatude of white supremacy is very much present. This is probaly the most ignorent and violance causeing view, I dont understand people who walk the world with that mind set.

On a liter note, enjoy the song!

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  • Anyone who thinks like you has no sense of logic or reality, and it is only made more apparent by the fact that you cannot spell or use correct grammar. Even though my view conflicts with yours, you could at least try to work toward what you want, as opposed to posting poorly-written pieces like this under provocatively titled remixes. I hope that you take another look at your situation and come out with a different point of view, and maybe try not to be so hypocritical when you call someone "hatful."

  • I would be willing to bet that you have no clue what the real definition of racism is, and you're simply using the term to make the people you are talking about seem like terrible people, when in reality, you are the one being hateful. People who say things like this are the ones who make their communities, countries, and ultimately the world, a worse place for everyone. It seems that "white supremacy" is a label you've come up with for your own inferiority complex.

  • Listen, Just because someone happens to be white and republican, does not mean they are racist. There is a good chance that I live in your area, but even if I don't, I know people with your view. My impression of these people is that they are unable to cope with the fact that someone has a different approach to life than themselves, and so they respond by calling them "racist," even though they have no way to back it up.

  • Where do you live?

  • Dude if you're gonna try to make an impression on people (not that anyone really cares what you're saying) at least learn to spell