had so much fun editing 1.31

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  • Blasphemy: I'm not as wild about the original or the remix as I am for other charts by both aBstracT and Luxior. For e.g., 3:00 goes nowhere fast. Like, "I'm twiddling my thumbs at the dentist's office waiting to be tortured..." Don't waste my listening time with meaningless repetition or I'll go listen to something else. Life is too short and music is too special. (Whoa: what a meany...)

    • wait is he trying to say that if you think that it's blasphemy, or is he saying that his opinion is considered blasphemy by others


    • what the hell is this? lmao

  • Duuuuuuuuuuude

  • I came back to hear how amazing this was

  • refav for this too

  • ho lee

  • Ily

  • Forever amazing

  • fakk

  • Jesus this is gorgeous.

  • swag bro...wow

  • everybody rushes to get top comment

    all goes to me

    sit down kinkz

  • the sub is killing me

  • its not clipping

  • So gud

  • mY eARS gOT rAPED