I'm so glad that there's 400 of you out there who truly believed in me enough to follow me. My life would've been so much different had I not encountered this website. I stuck around here for probably 3 years now and i've enjoyed ALL of it. Even looking back, my music was awful and not progressing anywhere. And, I don't know why, but I never gave up. I didn't really aim to accomplish anything. I did it for fun. And now, music is an addiction to me. Everyday, I feel like I have to work on a song or produce a new one to feel satisfied with myself. And I just want to say thank you for sticking around with me. I made lots of friends, lost a couple and all in all, improved my music. So i'll just shut up and say one last time, thanks to AT, thanks to the wonderful community and thanks to every last one of you!

There's no rules for the competition so GO WILD!

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