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  • freestyle

Palm Trees Contest *RESULTS*

Total playing time: 0:05:15

I'm a little late, but these are the results of my contest!

1. @I Z U Amazing song, I don't even have any suggestions for it! I thought it was perfect!

2. @euke Close behind was heartache, coming in with this great track. The 808's were well done, and the overall ambient feel was amazing

3. @august This track was really cool! One thing I would say though, is that the bass was clipping way too much. Less bass would've made this track better.

Honorable Mentions:

palm trees [remix comp] Good, simple track. Nice old school feel.

Palm Trees-Tokofa edit Nice track, but I didn't like the off key future bass chords. Otherwise, great!

I appreciate all entries to the contest! Think I should do another?

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  • Thanks bro ! Everyone did a great job too!