For Your Consideration: AT MEETUP

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  • 6

Every now and then, Audiotool users get the chance to gather in one place and mingle, share ideas, get to know one another and just have a good ol time. I'm writing this because, for the next Audiotool gathering - whenever that may be - I'd love for it to be anywhere here in Texas. It is currently where I'm based, and I'm sure there are other users who may be down here as well. For your consideration, audiotool team, should you read this; I'd even be happy to perform one of my songs live to everyone who attends, given the proper resources are available. I think this would be super fun! I haven't been to an AT meetup just yet, but I look forward to having that opportunity.

~ Ponyo

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  • I'm moving to a different state.

  • ponyo Wana be friends???

  • hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii