Pulvgang Vs. Heisengang

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In the EBIC audiotool discord (found here: ), we have started a gang war between the Pulvgangers and Heisengangers. To participate in this epic battle of the ages, you should join the audiotool discord ( ). There are prizes and such involved for the winning team, and it's also lots of fun.

Okay so basically,

-The Pulvgang are people who love and frequently use the beloved Pulverisateur, and the Heisengang are people who use the robust Heisenberg. -Whichever team earns more points within the month wins, and there are indeed prizes involved. -Some ways to earn points are to donate to the audiotool patreon, getting likes on tracks with #pulvgang or #heisengang tags, or participating in events in the audiotool discord server ( ).

it's pretty cool you should join the audiotool discord and participate.

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