The Omar Situation

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My fellow AudioFools, I come with sad news. Omar has been cheated on :( He didn't deserve the pain he is going through. Please show your support for Omar by using the tag: #JUSTICEFOROMAR

For anyone genuinely wondering about this tag and message going around, Omar is an inside joke. There is no person that I know of named Omar who has been cheated on. If there somehow happens to be an AudioTool user by the name of Omar who has recently been cheated on, I hope this will ease your pain. The amount of people who have showed toxicity towards this character is both unfortunate but also hilarious. We need #JUSTICEFOROMAR to spread as much as possible. You can help support his account here: @justiceforomar . This whole situation is simply a joke, and the amount of recognition that it has received and the confusion that it has caused is ridiculous. You may use #JUSTICEFOROMAR, for the memes.

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